Melrose St. John Council No. 52
Allied Masonic Degrees
Meets quarterly on the 1st Sunday of March, June, September and December at 3:00pm
Sovereign Master 2024, Miguel A. Olmos
An Honorary and Invitational Body Dedicated to Masonic Research.
Southern California College No. 110
York Rite Sovereign College of North America
Meets in January, May and August
Preeminent Governor 2023, Christian Lanot
The York Rite Sovereign College of North America exists primarily to be of service to the York Rite of Freemasonry. Constituent colleges must declare fealty to the Grand Lodge of their respective jurisdictions. The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, in good standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery.
Los Angeles Priory No. 27
Knights of the York Cross of Honour
Meets on 3rd Saturday in February and October
Prior 2023, Christian Lanot
Knights of the York Cross of Honour is a Honor Group of York Rite Masons who are dedicated to serving the Masonic Fraternity as a Labor of Love.
No individual should aspire to membership in KYCH, when he has done the required work, and done it well, he will be invited to membership. Those who labor will be rewarded by being invited.
After a Mason has fulfilled the requirements of membership, his name may be proposed for membership by a member of the K.Y.C.H.. The prospective member should not know that he has been proposed. When a Priory receives a proposed, such proposal must be held over until the next stated meeting of the Priory before it is Balloted on. Some of the Ballot rules vary in different Jurisdictions, to comply with Grand Lodge Rules and Regulations. In this Jurisdiction the prospect must receive a unanimous vote by secret Ballot. The prospective proposal should not know that his name was proposed until he is official notified that he is elected to be invited to petition to membership. If this rule is followed, no one that is proposed and rejected should ever know that he was proposed and rejected, thereby saving much embarrassment to everyone.
Saint John The Baptist Tabernacle LXVI
Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Meets in 4th Sunday in June and 2nd Sunday December
Preceptor 2023, James Baum
The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests is an honorary and invitational organization with membership limitations and cannot be applied for. Members are selected and extended invitations on the basis of outstanding performance as a Commander of a Commandery of Knights Templar. The order has historic roots in England that trace back to 1786, with references back to 1686, the traditional year of revival. The “Priestly Order” was referred to within the ceremonies of “The High Knights Templar” in Ireland in 1755. There are records of the conferral of this Order in the United States during the 1800’s but the authority is unknown. The Grand College of America, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests was formed in the United States in 1931. The limit of Regular Members in a Tabernacle is 33. The number of Tabernacles in a state is dependent on the number of active Commanderies in each state.